Friday, March 19

Lunch Memo

Right now it's lunch hour. I'm in the office feeling grumpy because, first, I'm experiencing a cramp, second, the sky outside looks like it's ill also, and third, I really regret that I didn't go to Taiwan with the Frontier yesterday.

Everything on the newspaper and TV news is about the election tomorrow. I am overwhelmed by the high spirits surrounding the island however which I am not able to take part in. It's reported that many businessmen, actors and overseas Taiwanese are flying back to Taiwan because they feel obliged to cast the sacred ballot for the ones they support. But here I am, sitting in the office having nothing important to do with the boss away.

The reason I decided not to go with the Frontier was that I have been to Taiwan four times in the past two years and I thought there wouldn't be much to learn in a political tour just by visiting the parties' bureaus. But now I realized it's good enough just to be there to experience everything. I hope Lian-Song will not lose by one vote tomorrow or I'll be the "rotten million year old egg".

PS>Just now I found my way to channel out the frustration. I was asked to fill out a survey on fragrance products in an email. After I entered my age and my frequency of applying perfume a week, I got this statement as a conclusion of my fragrance-sense: 非常感謝您對本調查問卷感興趣。但您沒有資格填寫今天的調查問卷。I was very offended. I could not believe I was told NOT QUALIFIED for a simple survey and so I wrote a complain email to the survey company. We consumers waste time to do this survey in sole favor of the company however receive no appreciation but some offensive statement. Precise choice of words is one golden rule in the marketing world, if this company cannot even hire an educated person to write a simple survey it should not even exist in the market.


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