Monday, March 8

Rejuvenated Recognition

I feel rejuvenated. Perhaps it's the bee pollen I had with yogurt for breakfast everyday last week. Perhaps it's the decreased consumption of nicotine. Or perhaps it's the new phase in life I have started – I now spend plenty of time on work, writing and workout. My sleeping hour has improved from 2230-0830 to 0130-0830 without feeling tired during the day. Big leap for me, more time for reading and writing at night. I didn't even suffer from pre-menstruation symptom, a.k.a. depression, this month. My skin has become clearer, and my face is not swollen anymore in the morning. I'm generally very happy, even with a job I want to get rid of so bad on hand. This new phase in life should have come much sooner.

In "Cast Away" which was on Pearl last night, Tom Hanks was standing on a crossroad at the end, each road leading down to a whole new culture from the original point even though all are still on the same continent . The world is so big, there has to be something great awaiting ahead. "Tomorrow the sun will still rise, who knows what the tide could bring?"


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