Friday, July 9

I love talents!

After having spread germs in the office for three days, I was granted a sick leave today, which left me the most relaxing time to enjoy in two months.

Finally, some personal quality time during THE DAY.

I started making a clip book this afternoon, that filled with the face of all the politicians and tycoons. Sort of like the vocab books I had when I was three, you know, those below the picture of a poodle there spells the word D-O-G.

I have a problem with relating names to the faces. In fact I do better with English names and Caucasian faces, but well, I do work for a Chinese media. Last week when I was at the banquet to celebrate the 228th anniversary of USA's independence day, I saw many familiar faces, but I just couldn't remember their names and their background. So I hesitated to go up to them, and let the golden opportunities of getting info from them slip away.

As I was making the clippings, I wondered, how come none of the guys I ever shared the "emotional spark" with also shared that "mental spark" too? Once there was a Yen, too bad he appeared at a wrong time. Ironically, all the men i fell for were politically insensitive creatures. When they didn't like politics, they couldn't truely appreciate me.

What do men do for love? I don't know. But I once even picked up a pair of drum sticks for love. I believe, being open to every realm, can take me to a higher level.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

men do nothing for love...
not at least after they get their hands on you...u want sth from them? always keep a distance..yet not too far...hahah:p
P.S. with a job like yours, you really should try to remember names...though i suppose this problem runs in the family...

Posted by: olivia at July 9, 2004 06:49 PM

November 03, 2004 1:15 AM  

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