Friday, October 21

Just some dadadaa...

A rare holiday on Friday, got up at 9am, spent 4 hours in the gym, then 2 hours at HMV, took a nap when I got home at 6pm. Good life.

Funny I seemed to pop up in my friends' mind in the same night, three of my long-time-no-see friends called tonight. And they called at a good time, I wouldn't have been able to chat if I were in office. Danny's starting a new life, Jungmin just started a new life like myself, and Jenn's struggling to get rid of her old life.

Have been distanced from the political scene for three weeks, however the attention I paid to it since was more than ever. Mostly I miss the drama going on in legislative council. Unlike before that I had to keep an "ear" on the tv every second, now I don't get to watch news in office as the tv's very far away from my desk. I have no clue of what's going on out there! So now I try to read wisenews before I go to work everyday and download news clip from tvb when I get home.

Just to share some mentality changes, I used to hate Donald Tsang for his cockiness to frontline reporters, but when I watched how he handled legisaltor's and reporter's questions last week, I couldn't help but appreciated his performance and his PR skill. Very entertaining.

After talking to my friends, I knew how lucky I am. I'm enjoying my new phase in life.


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