Sunday, September 19


I haven’t updated my blog for quite a while, now with the election finally over, I should get myself in front of the computer again and put down some of my thoughts from the past weeks, just some random thoughts.

I. Covering the election was very interesting but at the same time exhausting to me. After having worked 14 hours a day for a week, I got only a 3-hour sleep on the election day, and my brain was literally dead after. I don’t understand how my banker and financial PR friends can go to work after 3 hours of sleep everyday and still survive. Actually ET is already a very “employee-friendly” company, other reporters needed to work 40 hours straight, but we did shift, I slept so little only because I went to “play” at the news center.

II. When I did political science study before, I didn’t believe when voters said they have not decided about whom to vote even a week before the election. But this time, I did literally decide who to vote 2 seconds before I placed the chop on the ballot. I originally intended to vote for Lau Chin Shek, since he was nice to me when I interviewed him and I thought it’s moving to know that he placed his apartment on loan to collect enough money for the election campaign. But then, I didn’t see him working very hard for the campaign, so there went my fondness. At the end I voted for James To, I didn’t like him, he was rude to me once. But I still voted for him for strategic concern. I’m such a generous person!

III. I gained 5 pounds in 2 months!!! I don’t understand, I go to the gym every another day, and I don’t eat “cha chan tan” anymore, where did the fat come from?? I concluded that, it’s because I haven’t “po” for 2 months. You know, when you go po, you stay up all night which burns a lot of calories, and you dance non stop which also burns a lot of calories, and you puke after getting drunk which removes a lot of calories out of your body! But during the past 8 weekends I have just chilled at home. I think I should start going out again.

IV. Remember I wrote about the foreseeable conflict arose from my twin goals before I started this job. Last week I finally came to experience that conflict and struggle. I’m a fluctuated person (and bad tempered) and I can’t stick to one thing for too long. Two months ago I decided I was sick of the social and night life and I wanted to hang out with books instead. Yes, to me they are mutually exclusive, I have to admit that I can’t work hard and play hard at the same time. Even though I'm a Libra, I often take the extreme. Anyways. Last week I was at Conrad covering a press conference. And once I stepped into Pacific Place, viewing all those new displays in the shops, my heart sank. And then when I laid foot in the hotel, I became very frustrated. I can’t live like a girl from the ghetto anymore. My job leaves me no time to enjoy a decent life, well, materially speaking. After the press conference, I had high tea by myself at PP, and bought a few pieces of clothes, and I felt better. Maybe, afterall, I’m not as tough as I thought I was.