Sunday, October 31

Sex on a Cracker

No I did not have sex on a cracker, but I had a bbq tonight, and Glenn said that our newly invented blue cheese s'more was ALMOST better than sex, so we gave it this name. Here's the recipe, must try if you love blue cheese too:

1. one marshmallow
2. two squares of chocolate
3. one thin slice of blue cheese
4. two crackers

Just like how you would make a regular s'more, but this time you melt also the blue cheese with the marshmallow and chocolate onto a cracker. Serve warm.

Thursday, October 28


Welcome to my new blog!

I just love and hate internet like everyone does. Two weeks ago my old blog host suddenly decided to shut down the site and charge bloggers for just getting the archives back without prior notice. As a result of not keeping a backup, I was being ripped off, and had to go through all the hassle to repost the entries to this new blog space. Tonight I was finally done.

I took a 5-day vacation to Bangkok with my best buddies Eva and Fiona last week. Finally got some relaxation, but it's never enough for me. I became quite depressed with the vacation ended, but I guess I was back to the average emotion level today.

Life still goes on, whether you want it to or not.

Tuesday, October 26


我今天終於看到,我放置在公司的草莓發了芽 —— 是在它的主人遠遊時,偷偷發的。



《心動》 -- 林曉培

有多久沒見你 以為你在那裡
原來就住在我心底 陪伴著我的呼吸
有多遠的距離 以為聞不到你氣息
誰知道你背影這麼長 回頭就看到你

*過去讓它過去 來不及
從頭喜歡你 白雲纏繞著藍天
也至少給我們懷念的勇氣 擁抱的權利
好讓你明白 我心動的痕跡*

總是想再見你 還試著打探你消息
原來你就住在我的身體 守護我的回憶

Sunday, October 10





原台灣行政院大陸委員會主任祕書鮑正鋼於5月獲委任,但迄今仍因簽證問題,未能來港履新。其實,台灣官方人士上任後因為簽證問題,要等候多時才能來港履新,已早有「前科」。張良任和現任光華新聞文化中心主任路平,分別久候14個月和1年,才獲港府批發工作簽證。而根據《入境條例》第11 條,入境處人員可對獲准入境的人,規定逗留期限及其他適當的逗留條件。




對於他多次主張的「把街頭政治帶入議會」,我以前以為是一種political discourse,但我現在發現,這理論存在著根本性的荒謬。




今晚,在港台節目中,他說他的夢想是革命,他又說他不是看不起其他議員,可能是其他議員看不起他。我想,一,他是崇拜Che Guevara得有點著了魔;二,他是有心理缺憾,下意識已覺得社會看不起他,因此要把自己標奇立異,用虛型的革命方式,向社會提出控訴。


Saturday, October 2

National Day

Tonight with the temperature drop and the breeze blowing onto my skin, I could felt that the summer was going, and a new season was arriving. Autumn is my favourite season, I enjoy that twist of sadness.

"My life's full, I've come to experience so much this year." I said to myself tonight, as the fireworks displayed above the harbour. All my dreams from last year have materialized. Watching firework was one of the silly dreams, tonight it came true, at the convention center, and with the Cheif Executive just 5 feet away. (Actually should I be proud about this?) I did it alone, and yet not alone. because my working buddies were around.

The shadow's gone. I'm completed again.

This week has been awesome for me. My host sister from the US and her newly wedded husband were in Hong Kong visiting, and I had fun taking a couple of days off to take them around. I also had my 25th birthday this week, my happiest birthday ever. Again I realized how much great friends I have and they are all so good to me! This is cheesy but really, love is all around, and when you smile to the world, it smiles back to you.

At this moment, I feel very contented. And on top of that, if god decided to give me a vacation this month, I would be the happiest person on earth.