Saturday, March 19

March 18

A few little events spiced up my typical working day today, which included visiting two new clubs (of very different styles) and kissing a random stranger, so I thought they deserved an entry.

Tonight I got to leave work early for a banquet hosted by the Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center, a Taiwan agency, partly for work. In this kind of banquet, I found myself already pretty mechanical to the process of munching snacks by myself at the corner, spotting a target, and then taking the move to chat up the target, about politics of course. Tonight was more fun though, there're karaoke and lucky draw, and acquainted legislators and activists. No tycoons or big CEOs, that made life a lot easier.

Except, the woman by the surname of Lu, or some people call her Ping. She is such an arrogant bitch, but only to females, during other times with men she'd transform into an over-aged flirt. I wish she had enough news value (though she acts like she does) so that I could diss her on the newspaper instead of here.

Anyways, after, I had my first hangout with people in my field. Francis, who's a senior reporter at RTHK, invited me to FCC, where he's a board member, along with some other correspondents. First time REALLY at FCC, the other two times I covered press conference there so didn't count. Between the red brick walls and in a room filled with foreign expats, I felt like I was back in the States.

Few correspondents I met at FCC, they all started off as reporters at newspapers, and then eventually went on different paths they desired in the media. That sounds like an encouragement to me.

Francis encouraged me to join the FCC, one thing he said that fascinated me was that one cocktail's for only fourteen bucks at FCC(I swear that's what I heard instead of forty). But after I found out on top of the one time membership fee of already over a thousand, there’s also a monthly fee of nine hundred something, sorry, no money.

Oh something interesting. I never knew a parrot can REALLY talk. I mean communicating like a 2 years old human being. I wonder if I was too naive actally believing it. One lady at the table told us about the story of her parrot "talking back". One time they're "arguing" about something I forgot what it was and she went "you're only a parrot", and then the parrot snapped and said "so?".

Tonight Lan Kwai Fong was packed with people from watching Ruby Sevens. After FCC I went to Volar, my first time there, (hehe i know i'm "out") and I didn't like it.

Volar SUCKS! To begin with, of course, it's the long queue and obnoxious "gatekeeper” at the door. Hong Kong people are strange animals, the more hard to get something is, the more we crave for it. Luckily my friend's friend's friend was on the list so it didn't take too long to get in. But unluckily they played techno inside, and I hate techno. And the low ceiling and the blue lights made me feel like situating in hell, or a drug addicts haven. However, I have to admit that it's my first time seeing so many cute guys at one time, though they were all uniform looking.

Two other tiny incidents that I was excited about. I was invited to the Press Association annual ball this June (yeah~), and my sister ran into Nicholas Cage today in Melbourne!!!

Friday, March 11









Wednesday, March 9



千年前,當鯨魚和人類還能夠相處的時候,香港人會走進鯨魚的嘴巴裡,坐在濕漉漉的舌頭上,( 就像"Finding Nemo"那樣),讓鯨魚運載到對岸。



Sunday, March 6







「孩子!當你還很小的時候,我花了很多時間,教你慢慢用湯匙、用筷子吃東西。教你繫 鞋帶、扣扣子、溜滑梯、教你穿衣服、梳頭髮、擰鼻涕。這些和你在一起的點點滴滴,是多麼的令我懷念不已。

所以,當我想不起來,接不上話時,請給我一點時間,等我一下,讓我再想一想 .....極可能最後連要說什麼,我也一併忘記。孩子!你忘記我們練習了好幾百回,才學會的第一首娃娃歌嗎?是否還記得每天總要我絞盡腦汁,去回答不知道你從哪裡冒出來的嗎?










香港人已習慣了被人擺佈,所以反彈不大 。



