New Year Resolutions
Year 2005. Happy New Year.
A few friends asked about my new year resolution on the new year day and I said to them, I have given up on making any a few years ago, because resolutions to me, never materialized anyways.
And as a spontaneous person, I didn't like giving myself more contraints in life by the idea of "resolution".
But two traumatizing incidents, though trivial, happened to me in the past 2 days, and made me rethink. Not my favourite cliche, but the bygone have to be bygone, with the new year arrived, I should utilize the excuse given on the occasion, and give myself some concrete goals to strive for, because only by that, I will proceed with a faster pace.
Turn adversity into opportunity. I don't need to list you my resolutions here, because when the next new year comes again, by looking at me, you'll know what they are.
I'm in my mid-twenties, I have no time to lose.