Euroblast 2005
For those who know me well, they know I need to make at least 2 trips each year, in order to survive though claustrophobia and brain-cells-auto-self-destruction mechanism.
I spent 19 days in Europe a few weeks ago, and this was the longest vacation for me in...many many years.
19 days in 7 different cities with a total peace of mind, sometimes one doesn't need to earn a lot in order to make things happen.
I don't want to bore my friends with my itinerary details, so I'll just mark down a few halirious conversations I had on the trip.
Good memories stay forever.
Aug 31st, Florence
Clare studying Florence city map.
Aho(without second thinking):沙田,近尖沙咀嗰邊。
Clare(after a second): 嘩哈哈,我講緊David嗰statue,而且點解會講大圍近尖沙咀…
Clare: 其實我都想試下追男仔,但未搵到個值得追既。
Aho: The type of guys you like doesn't like to be chased by girls.
Aho: From the way you sounded, you like those really aggressive guys, they don't like to be chased, because that type of guys seek excitement, so make them chase you instead.
Clare: makes sense...你有無比女仔追過?(not knowing Mr. AHo's glamorous history, asked innocently)
Aho: Yah! All the time! (as if "what kind of question is THAT!")
Clare(rolling her eyes): ...
Sept 2nd, Vantican and Trevereave in Rome
The only day I was in charge of the map. And then Aho kept testing my directions, just to show how much he contributed in the previous days. A lot of time when I was having a hard time studying the map(the streets in Rome's a lot of complicated than the other cities I've been to!! most of the time I'm good at maps!), Aho would just shaked his head to me, as if he's teaching a daughter or something. And so whenever he shaked his head, I'd just go, "forget it, no one's going to look at the map anymore, just go this way and see what happens."
Sept 4th, On the train to Bari
Passenger A sitting next to me: Did you go to the concert next to the Colosseo last night?
Clare: No I didn't, but I knew there's a concert because I was touring in the Colosseo yesterday morning and I saw there's a rehearsal. Was it an Italian singer?
Passenger A: No it's @#^&!
Clare: who?
Passenger A: Elton John! You don't know him?
Clare: Elton John! Oh my god! Yeah I know him, but I didn't know it's him, or I'd have gone!!
Sept 7th, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Jacky: 之前係北京,有d鬼仔飲醉左,就係度同d中國學生講,「你爸爸是誰?(國語)」,d中國學生唔明,就會答,「ah,王小平…(國語)」,哈哈!
Clare: huh?
Jacky: you know, "who's your daddy!"
Clare: Oh, haha! 其實,平時如果d人講who's your daddy,應該點應佢?
Steph: You're not supposed to say anything, I'd just stare at the person (with that face you know).
Jacky: yeah you don't need to say anything, it's just a pick up line to girls.
Jacky:hm...好似如果打機贏左都會既…"Who's your Daddy?!" (pointing out both his index fingers, and half closing his eyes)
Clare:......另外,你知"I wasn't born yesterday",我有個ABC friend話係中文黎既,「我不是昨天生的(國語)」,你有無聽過?
Jacky:I guess it's just among them.
Sept 8th, Split, Croatia
Clare(with a gelati in the hand after dinner):停唔到!我好想食多個brownie,好唔好呀?
Jacky(lower his voice):食啦食啦…
Steph: so playing angel and demon now huh?!
Clare(excitedly turned to Jacky):點解可以食既?
Sept 12th, Milan
Sudden influx of sadness. The only remedy: shopping!
I recalled all the good time I had with Aho, Stephanie and Jacky. It was a fun experience, didn't know all three of them too well before the trip, I guess still not after the trip, but the trip itself was nice.
And in 2 weeks, I would be starting my new job.
Before my dream was to quit my job in a few years, and go backpack around the world. But I realized career to me is always on top of the list, and I could no longer take the hardship of literal backpacking.
I'll find my way to venture with class.