Message: So the medication for the JACKASS-BREAK-UP
1. Cry real hard when he tells you what's in his
mind... take it all deep inside and personal
2. be the victim and tell him how much you loved
him and how much you have given
3. When he says sorry, tell him dun say it to you
because he has done nothing wrong to you and it's
natural to end a relationship. INSTEAD, tell him to
be sorry for himself cos he has given you up
4. By the end of the conversation, try to make it
light and all happy... so as to lessen the pressure
and make him thinks that you are as CUTE and
ADORABLE as always
5. Remeber: DUN GET UNGLY!!! dun scold him or
tell him what he really is (fucker...i mean). Be as
elegant and as understanding as possible
5. Do a couple of phone calls with your favourite
friends... now BE UGLY!!! (of course dun go too
far...you are an adult) cos they are your friends!!!
and they are there to support you!
6. After hours of phone calls and crying, you must
be really tired... Get a very good sleep. Of course,
dun think of the jerk before you sleep.... (maybe
just leaving him a voice msg..... let him know how
much he had screwed up the week...becos of what
he had done.... )
7. Wake up in the morning, feeling all good and
easy cos this is not the end of the world.... If he is
not really that such a jerk... he will send you an
sms after hearing your voice msg. He will also
mention about calling you later that day.... well,
girls, if you dun feel like it, jus dun pick it up..who
cares~ he has done everything that goes along his
will, then you should do too, let him be worried and
anxious. Love yourself girl~ In fact, you are gonna
do fine cos he left you but you didnt leave him...
that's the point honey
8. one more thing!!! Gotta tell the world that you
jus break up.... so then the others will know they
now have a chance!!! Also, do show up in pubs
more often and BE PRETTY!!!!! not that telling you
to be a poufiasse... but Let the boys to help
gaining your confidence back!!
9. okay~ If by chance he asks you to meet, Fine~
jus go~ but once again BE PRETTY and EASY!!!
BE YOUR REAL SELF!!! because that's the girl
that he used to like... then he will be really sorry
The rule of the whole medication is.. dun
overdose...and dun get too ugly.
Trust me, Everything's gonna be fine, honey!
**I broke the first 5 rules the last time I broke up haha. I never allow myself to be a victim, that's it.